Maharishi AyurVeda Blog | Phone: +44 (0)1695 51015|

Taking Care of Toxins with Maharishi AyurVeda

By |2020-02-10T11:37:48+00:00February 7th, 2019|Detox, Digestion, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs|

Ayurveda distinguishes three kinds of toxins called ama, amavisha & garavish. The most common type is ama, which is the sticky waste product of incomplete digestion that builds up in the digestive tract when your digestion is either weak or overloaded with the wrong foods. If ama is not cleared from the body and continues to build up, after some time it can leave the digestive tract and start circulating throughout the body. Once it settles in an area of the body, it can aggravate the doshas or subdoshas, causing an imbalance in that area of the body.

Digestion Questions and Answers

By |2020-02-10T11:36:55+00:00February 6th, 2019|Digestion, Food, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, Women's Health|

Most diseases can be traced to an inadequate diet and improper eating. Proper diet and good digestion are considered by Ayurveda to be of prime importance for good health. Answers to the following questions about good dietary practice have been provided by two experienced Maharishi AyurVeda physicians.

Ayurvedic Solutions for Strong, Healthy Hair

By |2019-02-05T16:24:30+00:00February 5th, 2019|Hair, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs|

Is your hair feeling limp and listless? According to Ayurveda, the health of every hair on your head reflects the health of your body as a whole—and both depend on good nutrition, a balanced lifestyle, and proper care... ...Ayurveda is all about your uniqueness and celebrates all different kinds of hair, from thick and lustrous, gray and thin, to fine and silky. Whatever your natural hair type, these simple Ayurvedic solutions will keep your locks looking their best.

Happy Ayurvedic Valentine’s Year

By |2019-02-01T15:51:20+00:00February 1st, 2019|Doshas, Emotions, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Mind, Relationships|

Happy Ayurvedic Valentine's Year. With just a few simple guidelines from Maharishi AyurVeda, you can celebrate Valentine's Day every single day of the year. The Council of Maharishi AyurVeda Physicians says that the key to happy relationships lies in an in-depth understanding of one of the sub-doshas of Pitta, called Sadhaka Pitta.

New Study Suggests Triphala Has Prebiotic Properties

By |2019-01-31T16:37:06+00:00January 31st, 2019|Digestion, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Triphala|

A recent study found that triphala promotes the growth of healthy bacteria like Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus acidophilus. In addition to promoting friendly bacteria, this traditional Ayurvedic botanical also seemed to help inhibit the growth of unhealthy bacteria. “There are so many positive studies on the pharmacological effects of triphala, but nobody’s ever thought about looking at Ayurvedic herbs like triphala from the point of view of how they affect the microbiome,” says Robert Keith Wallace, Ph.D.,

The Ayurvedic Take on Paleo, Keto, Vegan, and Raw Diets

By |2019-01-30T15:58:56+00:00January 30th, 2019|Doshas, Food, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs|

The caveman diet. Going keto. Eating raw foods and juicing. Does it seem like there’s a trendy new diet cropping up every time you turn around? If so, you might be wondering how to keep up—which one to choose and whether you can still follow your Ayurvedic diet.

The Yoga – Ayurveda Connection

By |2019-01-30T13:58:54+00:00January 29th, 2019|Knowledge, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Massage, Meditation, Yoga|

Yoga is becoming very popular around the world. While many view yoga as a gentler way to exercise, most long-time practitioners realize that yoga is not just physical - it creates balance in mind, emotions and consciousness as well. And they are starting to realize that yoga shares the same origin and goal as ayurveda, the traditional Vedic system of health care.

Discover your Ayurvedic body-type

By |2019-01-29T15:04:46+00:00January 29th, 2019|Food, Kapha, Knowledge, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, Pitta, Vata, Women's Health|

A Guide to the Doshas. Discover your individual body-type and which Dosha you need to balance most – Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Identify your individual health needs by reading our Dosha guide and test booklet.

Maharishi AyurVeda, Micronutrients and Nutrition

By |2019-01-28T15:03:39+00:00January 24th, 2019|Children's Health, Digestion, Food, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, Women's Health|

A micronutrient is a substance, such as a vitamin or mineral, that is essential in minute amounts for the proper growth and metabolism of a living organism. 40 micronutrients are essential for a balanced diet to maintain health. What does Maharishi AyurVeda recommend to obtain these nutrients?

The remarkable qualities of Triphala

By |2019-01-24T08:56:13+00:00January 23rd, 2019|Digestion, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, Rejuvenation, Triphala, Women's Health|

Tired and sluggish when you wake? Prone to colds, flu and constipation? Ayurveda would say you have a toxic build-up called ama, due to incomplete digestion. Triphala consists of three fruits, which work synergistically to detoxify your entire digestive tract. Cabbage Rose is added to support and enhance the other ingredients. Besides helping you detox, Triphala Rose helps in absorbing nutrients effectively and in restoring your health, immunity and energy.

Ayurvedic Reset

By |2019-01-22T14:47:30+00:00January 22nd, 2019|Detox, Digestion, Fasting, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, New Year, Rejuvenation, Women's Health|

Ayurvedic Reset - Have you recently noticed your trousers are fitting a little more snugly or a favourite skirt or dress looks a little tighter around the middle? But yes, those Christmas sweets were worth it! Now 2019 has truly started it’s time to take stock and set yourself up for a great year. So read on to see what you can do to ensure 2019 starts well for you. Do you know what Agni is?

How Healthy is Your Prostate?

By |2019-01-21T16:38:35+00:00January 21st, 2019|Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, Prostate|

Recently Brian sought help regarding his prostate... Brian was having difficulty passing urine. Sometimes the flow was weak and sometimes it seemed to stop and start. His sleep was disturbed at night as he often woke to relieve the pressure on his bladder. After seeing his doctor a blood test revealed Brian had a high PSA level which was a concern...

Amrit Kalash – a Superstar!

By |2019-01-18T15:55:11+00:00January 18th, 2019|Consciousness, Immunity, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, Mind, Rasayanas, Women's Health|

When Maharishi Mahesh Yogi the founder of Maharishi Ayurveda released Amrit Kalash to the World he was so moved at its power to promote wellbeing that he called it the ‘Nectar of Immortality’. Amrit is a two-part formula. Taken together they provide a widespread and synergistic effect. Research has shown this unique blend of over 40 herbs and fruits have antioxidant properties 1,000 times more powerful than Vitamin C or E. The two-part formula includes...

The best tips for slimming New Year’s resolutions

By |2019-01-18T08:52:28+00:00January 17th, 2019|Digestion, Food, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, New Year, Obesity, Weightloss, Winter, Women's Health|

The best tips for slimming New Year's resolutions. by Dr Charlotte Bech - Maharishi Ayurveda Consultant. "With the start of the new year is a good idea to set out to introduce new slimming habits in daily life. Here are the best tips for slimming New Year's resolutions:"

Back to Basics: Recharge Your Routine for the New Year

By |2019-01-19T11:57:10+00:00January 14th, 2019|Detox, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Massage, Men's Health, New Year, Sleep, Winter, Women's Health|

The beginning of a new year is a great time to take stock of your daily habits and routines and see if they’re in line with your goals. Do you have any big-picture plans for the year? If so, are you supporting them with your daily habits and routines?

Ayurvedic Massage Oils for Every Day

By |2019-01-11T15:44:38+00:00January 11th, 2019|Immunity, Joints, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Massage, Men's Health, Muscles, Oils, Rejuvenation, Skin Care, Stress, Women's Health|

Ayurvedic Massage Oils for Every Day. We’ve all heard it before: take care of ourselves first; prioritize our own well-being, because only then can we most effectively care for others; we have to love ourselves before we can love anyone else; etc... start by giving our bodies some love with ayurvedic self-massage - abhyanga!

A Window of Opportunity for Cleansing

By |2020-02-10T11:50:21+00:00January 10th, 2019|Detox, Food, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, Rejuvenation, Women's Health|

with the transition from summer to autumn, we are entering a gap between seasons (in Ayurveda known as Ritu Sandhi). This is a special time of the year where the body’s natural cleansing systems go up a gear. Now the heat and sour quality that may have accumulated during the unseasonably warm summer is being released into your bloodstream to be cleansed. Isn't our body amazing! As the seasons change you have a window of opportunity for cleansing.

Cultivating the Inner Garden

By |2019-01-10T16:26:58+00:00January 10th, 2019|Detox, Digestion, Drinks, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, Winter, Women's Health|

Cultivating the Inner Garden. Returning to the normal routine after a busy Christmas period, filled with biscuits and puddings. Most people will be in the mood to start January afresh and think about renewal to ensure that our health and immunity are in good shape for the challenges of the year ahead. In harmony with nature it always seems easier to make a fresh start now. With this in mind in my last blog I remarked about the pervasive use of use of artificial chemicals in our diet, that harm the inner flora known as the microbiome and give rise to ama in the system.

Be well nourished this Autumn

By |2020-09-10T12:25:33+01:00January 9th, 2019|Autumn, Digestion, Food, Immunity, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, Winter, Women's Health|

Be well nourished this Autumn As the cooler weather is setting in, have you noticed that your eating choices are changing? As you walk about your local farmers market or food store are the fruit and vegetables choices available also changing?

Would you like a Xmas treat?

By |2018-12-20T15:09:23+00:00December 20th, 2018|Food, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Recipes, Winter|

Only a few more nights to Christmas day! Have you thought about what special culinary delights you would like to prepare or share this Christmas Day? It can be a challenge to find tasty and balancing options all in one. Tasty meals that include easy to find ingredients and incorporate seasonal produce while helping to promote balance in our mind and body too. Also as it is a special time you may want to do something a little different or try something new.

Autumn Recipe & Eating Tips

By |2018-12-19T15:21:48+00:00December 19th, 2018|Autumn, Digestion, Food, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Recipes, Vata|

Autumn Recipe & Eating Tips What to cook that will be both tasty while also helping you to stay in balance? As the days settle into Autumn do you wonder what to cook that will be both tasty while also helping you to stay in balance?  I pondered his question while thinking about how I could best help you to enjoy greater balance this Autumn. The answer was to provide [...]

How is Your Vata?

By |2018-12-18T14:45:51+00:00December 18th, 2018|Autumn, Immunity, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, Vata, Winter, Women's Health|

As Autumn gives way to Winter it’s a good time to check how balanced Vata Dosha is within you. This is particularly helpful for ensuring we maintain balance during the colder months of Autumn and Winter. As you read below consider the question... How balanced is Vata Dosha within me right now?

Guggul – The Wonder Herbal

By |2018-12-18T14:48:29+00:00December 17th, 2018|Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs|

Guggul – The Wonder Herbal Bundi Palace Painting From Rajasthan, India Guggul has been in use since 600 BC or earlier. One could say it has stood the test of time! It is a resin of Commiphora wightii which is known in English as Indian Bdellium. This perennial tree or shrub grows to a height of 1.2-1.8m high in the rocky tracts of Rajasthan and Gujarat. The resin is collected [...]

The Case for Choosing Organic food and Ayurveda

By |2018-12-18T14:52:22+00:00December 14th, 2018|Digestion, Food, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, Women's Health|

Ayurveda places nutrition at the heart of its methodologies for the optimization of life and longevity. If we are to take health seriously one of our first considerations should be our diet.

Maharishi AyurVeda Approach to Respiratory Health

By |2018-12-18T14:54:34+00:00December 14th, 2018|Autumn, Digestion, Immunity, Kapha, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Vata|

When the weather becomes colder and windy (Autumn), it sets the scene for an increase in respiratory discomfort. Coughs, colds, bronchitis, asthma and in the extreme pneumonia become more prevalent. Other more chronic conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and emphysema may become aggravated. This can increase the demand on the national health care services, especially with the elderly.

Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

By |2018-12-17T11:16:12+00:00December 13th, 2018|Detox, Digestion, Food, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Recipes, Weightloss, Winter|

The Winter solstice on 22nd December is nearly here signalling the start of Winter. Over the next 3-4 weeks nature guides us to be aware of Ritu Sandhi - the cleansing gap between two seasons. Autumn seems to have flown by! With this change of season comes a special opportunity to move with the rhythms of nature in order to enjoy a healthy and happy winter season ahead. Here’s what you can do.

Dr. Bech’s Diet for Going Green

By |2018-12-18T15:00:32+00:00December 11th, 2018|Books, Food, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Maharishi Ayurveda Health Centre|

Don’t read this article if you want to continue eating red meat. But go ahead and read it, if you would like to: 1. Normalize your weight and stay slender, 2. Enjoy food more, and 3. Be happier and have more energy Then this new delicious and tasty Go Green diet is right for you.

Lift your spirits with Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Oil Blends

By |2018-12-13T15:44:52+00:00December 7th, 2018|Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs|

Lift your spirits with Maharishi AyurVeda Aroma Oil Blends Why not try our Kapha balance aroma oil? Warm and energizing, this blend of natural flower and fruit essences is just what you need to lift your spirits, inspire, and perk you up. Use it when you feel slow and lethargic or when the weather is cool and rainy to bring a little sunshine into your life. Pure essential oils are [...]

Ancient treatment to cure dry eyes

By |2018-08-31T08:11:21+01:00August 31st, 2018|Detox, Eyes, Oils, Panchakarma|

[fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" layout="1_1" background_position="left top" background_color="" border_size="" border_color="" border_style="solid" border_position="all" spacing="yes" background_image="" background_repeat="no-repeat" padding_top="" padding_right="" padding_bottom="" padding_left="" margin_top="0px" margin_bottom="0px" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_speed="0.3" animation_direction="left" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" center_content="no" last="no" min_height="" hover_type="none" link=""][fusion_text columns="" column_min_width="" column_spacing="" rule_style="default" rule_size="" rule_color="" class="" id=""] Good article we found on the Refinery29 site on the benefits of Netra Tarpana, a condition than many of us who stare at computer screens experience. And of course, you can get [...]

Repair and rejuvenate your cells through Panchakarma

By |2018-05-13T12:19:34+01:00May 13th, 2018|Detox, Digestion, Meditation, Oils, Panchakarma, Rejuvenation|

[fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" layout="1_1" spacing="" center_content="no" link="" target="_self" min_height="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" background_color="" background_image="" background_position="left top" background_repeat="no-repeat" hover_type="none" border_size="0" border_color="" border_style="solid" border_position="all" padding_top="" padding_right="" padding_bottom="" padding_left="" dimension_margin="" animation_type="" animation_direction="left" animation_speed="0.3" animation_offset="" last="no"][fusion_imageframe image_id="5329" style_type="none" stylecolor="" hover_type="none" bordersize="" bordercolor="" borderradius="" align="none" lightbox="no" gallery_id="" lightbox_image="" alt="" link="" linktarget="_self" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" animation_type="" animation_direction="left" animation_speed="0.3" animation_offset=""][/fusion_imageframe][/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row] [fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type="1_1" layout="1_1" spacing="" center_content="no" link="" target="_self" min_height="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" class="" id="" background_color="" background_image="" background_position="left top" undefined="" background_repeat="no-repeat" hover_type="none" [...]

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