As we grow older, it can be extremely challenging to lose fat just through diet and exercise. To really fight that stubborn fat, the ancient medical system of India, known as Ayurveda, uses age-old techniques that target the exercise-resistant fat by igniting your digestive fire.
This is the biggest difference between Ayurvedic weight loss and techniques and more conventional Western methods – Ayurveda focuses on why your fat cells are getting bigger and gives you solutions that work long term. These techniques have worked for thousands of years and can be performed on a daily basis.[caption id="attachment_1055" align="alignright" width="300"] Kulreet Chaudhary MD[/caption]
There is a special concept used in Ayurvedic medicine known as Ama that is key to losing weight. Ama means “toxins.” These toxins are an accumulation of impurities in our bodies that are the result of improper diet, chronic stress, and environmental pollutants. Some of these toxins are water-soluble, making them easier to remove from the body with diet and exercise. But other toxins are fat-soluble, meaning that they become stuck deep inside fat cells. The fat cells expand as they accumulate these toxins, which leads to weight gain, especially in those hard-to-remove pockets of fat around the stomach, hips and thighs.
Ayurvedic techniques are targeted specifically at removing Ama from your body, which shrinks your fat cells. The older you get, the more common it becomes to have Ama in your body, but it doesn’t have to be this way. If you implement daily habits and detox programs that help remove these toxins, they don’t have to become a chronic issue leading to weight gain.
The first step is to determine if you have toxins in your body. Once you recognise that you have an accumulation of Ama in your body, then it is time to take action to reduce these toxins.
Each one of the following recommendations will help you to shed those extra pounds. Individually, they are helpful, but when you put them all together, you may experience impressive weight-loss results. These fat fighters will help you not only lose weight – but you’ll be able to keep it off. You can adhere to this plan indefinitely – I consider the steps life-long “maintenance” recommendations.
Remember, we are targeting that stubborn fat that never seems to go away. I’ve seen my patients lose dress sizes and some have lost up to 80 pounds! Most of these patients did not even come in to my practice for weight loss. The weight loss was just a natural byproduct of the ayurvedic programs they implemented. Now, let’s get started.
Ayurvedic Fat Fighter #1
The first ayurvedic fat fighter is a special “detox” tea. It includes a combination of ingredients that help to improve digestion, break down fat, and “unclog” the channels in our body by removing Ama.
Detox Tea
Boil 4 to 5 cups of water in the morning. Add 1/2 teaspoon of the following seeds to the water and continue to let it boil for about 5 minutes with the lid on.
- Whole cumin seeds
- Whole coriander seeds
- Whole fennel seeds
Strain out the seeds and pour the liquid into a thermos. The key is to make the tea fresh every morning, place it in a thermos, and take small sips of it throughout the day. It is best to drink it warm or hot. If the tea is too strong or if you experience some initial discomfort, reduce the amount of seeds to 1/4 teaspoon for 2 weeks, and then increase it back to 1/2 teaspoon.
Digest Plus Tea (Organic)
Digest Plus Tea is a digestive stimulant with a sharp, spicy, and well-rounded flavour. Can be taken an hour before or after meals as a healthy alternative to an aperitif or antacid.
Ingredients are all certified organic and include: Fennel, Ginger, Ceylon cinnamon, Cardamom, Black Pepper and Cloves.
By Kulreet Chaudhary, MD. Originally posted on