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Maharishi AyurVeda Resolutions for 2020

By |2019-12-23T16:55:12+00:00December 23rd, 2019|Ageing, Balance, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Meditation, New Year, Nutrition, Sleep, Triphala, Winter|

As you read this, take a moment to stop and reflect … what would you say are your most important resolutions for enhancing your wellbeing in 2020? Are your wellbeing resolutions pretty obvious to you? Or are you stuck not knowing what would give you the best result? To help you arrive at some key wellbeing resolutions to help make 2020 the best year yet, let’s ponder the following questions.

Prepare for the New Year

By |2019-12-23T16:11:26+00:00December 23rd, 2019|Balance, Detox, Digestion, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, New Year, Sadhaka, Triphala, Vata, Winter|

As the new year beckons with Christmas time providing some days of holiday, consider taking a moment to prepare for the new year.

As the new year beckons with Christmas time providing some days of holiday, consider taking a moment to prepare for the new year. Here are some tips to help you prepare:

Ayurveda – 5,000 Years Young

By |2019-12-20T14:47:44+00:00December 20th, 2019|About Maharishi Ayurveda, Ayurveda History, Doshas, Herbal Formulas, Knowledge, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Vaidya|

Ayurveda, the ancient system of holistic healing from India, is justly enjoying a widespread resurgence in popularity today. Savvy, health-conscious individuals all over the world are taking more responsibility for their own health and well-being. The story of Ayurveda

Ten Ways to Start Your New Year Right

By |2019-12-12T14:43:41+00:00December 12th, 2019|Balance, Detox, Digestion, Drinks, Elimination, Emotions, Exercise, Food, Hair, Immunity, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Meditation, New Year, Nutrition, Relationships, Skin Care, Sleep, Spring, Stress, Stress-Free, Vata, Winter|

New Year's Resolutions are best known for the speed with which they are forgotten. Yet, total health is a lifelong journey - you need to work on your health every day. Here are ten tips from Vaidya Rama Kant Mishra, Director of Research and Product Development at Maharishi AyurVeda, on enriching the new year with ayurvedic wisdom. Simple things you can do every day to stay healthy and happy.

Tips for Pitta-related Weight Imbalances

By |2019-12-10T14:13:54+00:00December 10th, 2019|Balance, Digestion, Food, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, Men's Health, Nutrition, Obesity, Pitta, Sleep, Weightloss, Women's Health|

You would think that since Pitta dosha is associated with the fire element, a person with high Pitta would not experience any problem burning up the carbohydrates and sugars in their diet. Yet if a Pitta predominant individual fails to take care of their digestion, this can result in specific related digestive problems.

5 Ayurvedic Practices Your Body Craves During the Holidays

By |2019-12-18T15:55:51+00:00December 5th, 2019|Balance, Digestion, Holiday, Maharishi Ayurveda Blogs, New Year, Stress-Free, Winter, Yoga|

For many of us, November and December are among the busiest months of the year. From whirlwind office parties and family gatherings to last-minute travel and sometimes frantic gift-shopping, the holiday season can often be as stressful—and exhausting—as it is joyful! Conversely, if you’re spending this season on your own, you might find yourself feeling like you are missing out.

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