VEDA 304, 200ml (Aragwadhadi Kashayam)



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Dose for adults:
Once a day 15 ml (see measuring cup) with 50 ml warm water.
Shake well before using!

General advice required by law:

Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose.
Important: Food supplements should not be a substitute for a well-balanced, varied diet, and a healthy lifestyle.
Store this product out of the reach of young children.

Laboratory-tested quality


The recommended daily dose (15 ml) contains the following ingredients:

Aqua (Wasser / water) 12,9 ml. Wässriger Extrakt aus / Aqueous extract from / Waterig extract uit: Zizyphus jujuba 442 mg, Marsdenia tenacissima 190 mg, Randia dumetorum 157 mg, Holarrhena antidysenterica 150 mg. Konservierungsstoff Natriumbenzoat / Preservative sodium benzoate / Conserveermiddel natriumbenzoaat. Wässriger Extrakt aus / Aqueous extract from / Waterig extract uit: Barleria prionitis 102 mg, Trichosanthes dioica 102 mg, Crataeva nurvala 96 mg, Nigella sativa (Fenchelsamen / small fennel / venkelzaad) 82 mg, Cassia fistula 75 mg, Tinospora cordifolia (Guduchi) 75 mg, Alstonia scholaris 67 mg, Plumbago zeylanica 67 mg, Cissampelos pareira 61 mg, Tephrosia purpurea 61 mg, Solanum indicum 54 mg, Stereospermum suaveolens 48 mg, Caesalpinia bonduc 40 mg, Hydnocarpus laurifolia 27 mg, Azadirachta indica (Neem) 27 mg, Pongamia pinnata 27 mg.

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