BRAHMI, Single Herb, Natural, 30g, MA 7938


Maharishi Ayurveda Super Herb Brahmi is a popular ayurvedic herb.

Brahmi is considered a brain tonic in ancient Ayurvedic scriptures, which is also said to support memory, learning and concentration.*

Brahmi is also called “Herb of Grace”. A class of powerful compounds called bacosides in Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi)is known for supporting the nervous system, cognitive functions and relaxing the brain by balancing Vata & Kapha Doshas of the body.*

* Health claim pending approval by the European Commission.

100% purest Brahmi plant powder
100% Vegan
Free from heavy metals and Toxins
Pesticide + Gluten + Lactose + Sugar Free
No added colours, flavours and artificial additives

16 in stock

SKU: 047938 Category:


Contribution to health
taste of brahmi
Brahmi has the following properties:

  • It is astringent and bitter in taste (Rasa)
  • It is light in the physical property (Guna)
  • The potency of Brahmi is cold (Virya)
  • Brahmi offers a sweet metabolic property (Vipaka)What Ayurveda says

Brahmi is an ayurvedic wonder herb used extensively for the past 5000 years as a revitalizer. It has been mentioned in many ancient texts such as Charaka Samhita and Sushruta Samhita in the 3rd century AD 11 as Brahmi Rasayana. In Ayurveda it is called the Medhya Rasayana.*

According to Ayurveda, Brahmi works on balancing the three doshas and improving the function of seven (sapta) dhatus of the body. It is said to provide Bala to the mind and enhance the three basic components: the power of learning (Dhi), power of retention (Dhriti) and power of recall (Smriti). *
*Health claim pending approval by the European Commission.

Specific features of our raw materials and processing methods

Maharishi Ayurveda Brahmi comes from India. The whole plant powder contains the highest concentration of full-spectrum alkaloids such as bacosides A and B.

Brahmi plant powder is obtained from plants grown sustainably in an ideal climate, soil and organic farming, without the use of pesticides, free from toxic heavy metals.


General advice required by law:
Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose.

Important: Food supplements should not be a substitute for a well-balanced, varied diet, and a healthy lifestyle.

Store this product out of the reach of young children.


The recommended daily dose (2 tablets) contains the following ingredients:
Bacopa monnieri (Brahmi) 950 mg, starch tapioca.

Additional information

Weight 45 kg


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